
Wednesday, 16 October 2019

My Anime Avatar

This is my Anime Avatar. I used the website Anime Avatar Maker. I'm quite an expressive person but I am not really a smiley person if that makes sense. So I have big eyes, but not much of a smile. my hair is a gold-brown colour and is shoulder length, because... Well, that's me! I'm wearing jeans because I wear them pretty often! The black jacket and white top, why not? I wear a cap almost every day in summer, and it matches the jacket.


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  3. Hey Michelle,

    I have never used the website Anime Avatar Maker, but it looks like it would be a fun site to make an avatar on. I like how it is a whole body avatar because it show more of the kind of style that you like.

    I liked it,

  4. Nice avatar! It’s so great that you could get yours so perfect! From what you described it sounds like your a avatar is really close to you! Check out my my blog:



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